fpv freestyle

  1. flyboyfpv

    Bedford Canyon - Jeep Trail

    I did this trail a few weeks ago. As you know I'm a newbie off roader but I like the fact that i can find better places to fly than just anything down the street from me. The good thing is, it's fun getting there and it's always fun to fly FPV. Let me know what you think.
  2. flyboyfpv

    Mormon Rocks - 4K

    This is a great place to fly. We usually fly there and just do regular FPV. This time we did more cinematic footage. Plus we did it in 4K. Once thing is for sure, it takes a lot longer to do it in 4k. Let me know what you think.
  3. War Chest

    Late afternoon rip at an abandoned psychiatric ward

    This is where a 6" / 5S Freestyle rig feels most comfortable for me.
  4. War Chest

    < S W E E T D R E A M S >

  5. Y


    Hi everyone! I just want to give me your opinions about a t-shirt i found it in teespring. As you know Drone Racing League start soon i want to know if this design is good for me in this competition :oops:. Thank you.
  6. War Chest

    Cruising and Diving a Psychiatric Ward

    Hey all, I've been flying a mini-quad for over 3 months now and would love some feedback on what you think I could focus on in the future in terms of flying ability, content or editing style. Thanks guys!
  7. jamesnater

    Week of 7/24 Videos

    Since I've got a few in the works for YouTube uploads I'll just update this thread for the week!
  8. jamesnater

    New F4 FC, Dshot600 8k/8k, FUN!
