fpv drone vid

  1. BillM-RC

    NEW ThiEYE Dr.X review - WiFi FPV with optical flow, alt hold & 1080p camera drone

    Hi fellow rc pilots & rc enthusiasts Thieye DrX review (Part I). This ThiEYE DR.X review video of this WiFi FPV 1080P Camera Optical Flow Altitude Hold RC Drone includes unboxing, inspection, setup & app overview. Get this for only $54.99 with this coupon code: GB-THTiEYE Thieye DrX...
  2. Gadget Inspector

    Study Break with the Eachine E010 - Whoop Whoop!

    This little E010 is legit. Mounted an FX798T camera, removed the camera casing and I'm getting about 4-minutes of solid flight time.
  3. S

    A Hawk Stole My Drone!!

  4. Z

    FPV Drone With Phone Camera

    I have a few phone cameras from dysfunctional phones, I was wondering if I could use those instead of buying cameras; the only problem is I'm not experienced in converting cameras. I need to be able to put a phone camera on a drone, I just don't know what I need to do. I know I'm being vague but...
  5. DarthRotor

    Between Snowstorms

    Hey all I managed to get a couple good flights in before the snow hit hard. theres nothing like a good day of flying to bring zen to your life :D I made a fun vid -- thought i would share.