
  1. PlateauPro

    Drone Landing Pads

    Anyone interested in Landing Pads for their drones? I make 2', 2.5' and 3' vinyl landing pads starting at $45. Custom images added for just $10 more. All four edges are hemmed with grommets in the corners for securing with your tent stakes, rope or bungee cords. Use this drone landing pad to...
  2. Theo

    Quads for sale!!! 350 & 250 bundle

    Hey guys! I have a couple of stuff I want to give away since the holidays are around the corner. I have 2 quad copiers that I've built and I'm looking to let them go. Both quads will come with props, battery, fpv gear, smart charger, and transmitter. The 350 is a collapsible frame built strong...