flysky fs-i6

  1. B

    Tyro 79 + f405 mini mk2 Problems with Video and AUX switches

    Hello fellow humans! After flying a Phantom 2 for some time i got myself a Tyro 79 kit a year ago or so. Which was a bad idea, because my knowledge on betaflight and RC components in general is quite limited. So now i hope, you can give me hints on how to solve the problems i ran into...
  2. G

    Need help desperately with pinpointing the reason (/reasons?) for crashing my Pixhawk Quadcopter hard from high altitude. (Log file included)

    Link to the log file I have tried asking around on Reddit, but could not get any help there at all! Hi everyone, I am flying a large Quadcopter with PixHawk (it is a Chinese clone) which I slowly built myself over the period of the past few months. I have been experiencing some crashes that...
  3. A

    FlySky doesn't work

    I have a new Eachine Wizard X220 RTF with FlySky FS-i6. When I plugged the battery and turned FlySky on, I encountered it doesn't do anything. Initially I thought I did something wrong, and it seemed weird since it's ready-to-flight version and it should easily work. But it's my first drone and...
  4. BL Swagger

    FlySky FS-i6 wont work after CleanFlight firmware update

    I had quite the ordeal figuring out how to update the firmware of my SPF3 FC . Turns out the issue was a faulty mini USB cable the whole time. Before updating the firmware, my quad would arm and run just fine. I needed to calibrate everything using CleanFlight, which resulted in updating the...
  5. D

    Channel Mapping for FS-i6 Transmitter

    I have the FS-i6 transmitter and I am trying to map it in Cleanflight. I am having quite a lot of trouble. I have read many other forums, none of which have worked. Currently I am mapping like this: 4ARTE123 AND I have all of the channels reversed on my RX. This gets everything correct except...
  6. Michael Fenimore

    FKS 250 with CC3D FC

    This may be the wrong place, but any help will be greatly appreciated. I took the plunge and bought a preassembled 250 racer from Amazon. The FKS 250 with CC3D and the Flysky FS-i6 radio and its companion receiver. Of course there were no instructions included so I'm at a standstill at the...