
  1. K

    Cheerson CX-20 Inflight Flight Plan Changes

    For our senior capstone project my team and I will be modifying an off-the-shelf quadcopter to locate and hover near a Bluetooth wireless signal for the best signal strength. My question is this: Can the Cheerson CX-20 update its flight plan while in flight? If so, how can this be accomplished...
  2. L

    CX-20 Transmitter With Other Quads

    Hello, I have a brand new transmitter from a Cheerson CX-20 I dont have the quad though, i was wondering if there was any possible way i could use this transmitter on a self built quad. Would have have to purchase this...
  3. R

    CX-20 Help

    Does anyone know anything about what seems to be a few different types of CX-20 models? I want to purchase one but I'm so confused (Open source, Quanum Nova, Professional, etc). I like to modify and tinker so I want to get the most out of it.......HELP!
  4. T

    Good drone ideas to get started?

    One of my friends recently got a cheerson cx-20 and was showing it off. it looks solid and flies nice, it seems great for a first buy. was wondering if theres any other options out there that would compete with this one? around $250-400?