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  1. J

    Suggestions for FrSky Rx use on RC crawler

    Currently using a Tactic TTx 850 for use on my Crawlers and Monster Truck. I own Taranis QX7 for my 2 quads which I want to move my land vehicles over from the TTX850. I am looking for suggestions as to which Rx would be a good option. I need at least 6ch for 1 of my crawlers as I have...
  2. J

    Taranis Q X7 Access Out of Box Config needed

    I own a Taranis QX7 Access where I have made a lot of changes to model and radio setting while learning, troubleshooting, and tuning, and when I tried to perform a Factory Reset I found that is not a option. When I do a firmware flash, I see radio configurations which remain. How do I go about...
  3. J

    WTB Soldering service

    Pierce County Wa I have a Armatan Tadpole with 1204 motors which need to be replaced. I have bought 4 new Arthur motors and tried to solder the 1st replacement motor to the board and failed to get a clean solder to those small pads. I am willing to pay someone to do this work for me. i am...