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  1. G

    BetaFPV Cetus(please help!)

    Oh, sweet, Thanks I will try that and tell you if it works. I am looking to return this and get a new one ans soon upgrade to a little better drone(my fav drone too) the mobula 7 1-2s
  2. G

    BetaFPV Cetus(please help!)

    Yes, Thank you! It does help. The props are on right, and the motors are good. I do not think that the betafpv Cetus has beta flight unfortunately. I will look at the accelerator and see if that is it and thank you for your help!
  3. G

    BetaFPV Cetus(please help!)

    Hello, I just purchased a BetaFPV Cetus(brushed) and I have been flying it for a while now and I put in a new battery. It was the original one. Then the back motor was not thrusting or speeding up. It arms but when I press up on the left stick the drone just flips upside down on the ground...