Search results

  1. GlassKnees

    Tarot 650 Sport Crash - I Determine the Cause

    Back in 2018, my Tarot 650 Sport crashed after many successful flights. Recently, I came across some old video and watched the crash video and spotted the cause:
  2. GlassKnees

    Flying My Mavic In the Cold

    It is 14 degree F. here in Loveland Colorado and we got about three inches of fresh snow last night. I wanted to take some aerial pics of the snow, but was concerned about the cold drastically shortening my battery charge. Then I hit upon an idea of using some foam weather strip material and...
  3. GlassKnees

    Misc. Things For Sale

    After the crash of my Tarot 650 Ironman, I decided to exit the hobby. I have some miscellaneous items sitting around in my workshop: Spectrum DX8 transmitter Tenergy Lipo charger with a Radio Shack power supply Propeller Balancer Tarot 17" foldable carbon fiber props - 2 CW and 2CCW - new...
  4. GlassKnees

    Close Call

    Wow, I somehow managed to avert disaster, though I don't know how. I decided to take out my modified Elev-8 out for a flight around the golf course, flying autonomously using waypoints I uploaded to the APM controller. I had previously uploaded a new version of firmware, then checked parameters...
  5. GlassKnees

    Tarot 650 Iron Man Waypoint Mission

    I had stored my Tarot away for the winter, but Saturday was a nice day so I decided to take it out and do a short way point mission in order to review all the steps I need to to in order to prepare it for flight. I had wrapped the motors and camera/gimbal in plastic to protect from dust - after...
  6. GlassKnees

    Frozen Golf Course Ponds

    There is still snow on the ground from the snow storm last November and the ponds on the golf course remain frozen despite the warmer daytime temps. The ponds freeze over at night when the temps drop. This is a short video of a flyover of the ponds: Click here.
  7. GlassKnees

    Aerial View Of My Neighborhood After Colorado Snow Storm

    I learned that the reason for the poor quality video was that I rendered it at a low resolution, so I fixed the problem and reposted:
  8. GlassKnees

    Elk In Loveland, Colorado

    I reposted the video after fixing the resolution problem:
  9. GlassKnees

    Tarot 4006 650 KV Motors For Sale

    I have six, parted out from a Tarot 680 Pro Hexcopter that I no longer need: You can have all of them for $20.
  10. GlassKnees

    What I Did On Labor Day

  11. GlassKnees

    Problem With Spektrum AR8010T Receiver

    This morning I tried to fly my Tarot quad but could not get it to arm nor tilt the camera gimbal. After taking it home and connecting it to my laptop for troubleshooting I noticed the the LED on the receiver was blinking even though the transmitter was on. Going to the Radio Calibration page in...
  12. GlassKnees

    Bought A Used Mavic Pro - My Impressions

    I have been wanting to get a Mavic ever since DJI introduced it, but it was too pricey for my budget. so I contented myself with building a Tarot Ironman - I wanted a stabilized aerial video platform. But I had an accident with the Tarot - that's another story, suffice to say, 17" carbon fiber...
  13. GlassKnees

    Throttle Failsafe Mystery Solved

    I took my modified Elev-8 out for a flight a few days ago and it behaved strangely - would not hold position in Loiter mode and and started to fly way when I switched to RTL, so I had to take over and land manually. I pulled the flight controller off and opened up the case to make sure that the...
  14. GlassKnees

    ESC Wires - To Twist Or Not To Twist??

    I have completed a build of a Tarot 650 Ironman, but during initial test flights, I'm experiencing random twitches and surges from the motors. I've asked for help on this and the DIY Drone forums with no advice. I've reflashed the flight controller, redid all the calibrations, including the ESCs...
  15. GlassKnees

    Scary Flight

    I just moved to Loveland, Colorado - my house backs up to a golf course. This morning, I decided to fly one of my modified Elev-8 quads over the course as it was a nice, sunny morning but very cold - no golfers out on the course. I uploaded a simple waypoint mission - the aircraft was to climb...
  16. GlassKnees

    Elev-8 Parts - What To Do??

    So, while waiting for a replacement ESC that I burned up in my Tarot 650 Iron Man, I was going through my box-o-parts - stuff I had ordered some time ago as spares for my Elev-8's ( I had two), such as motors mounts, and parts I salvaged from a crash - three booms, chassis plates, misc...
  17. GlassKnees

    Merry Christmas All!

  18. GlassKnees

    Can One Fly Two Quads At Once?

    This question has come to me several times over the last year or so. Can one fly two quads using the same transmitter? I think you can. All you have to do is bind both receivers to the same transmitter. But why would you want to do this? Since both aircraft are getting the same signals and...
  19. GlassKnees

    Why I don't Like Tarot Frames

    I have built two Tarot multicopters, a 680 Pro Hexcopter and a 650 Sport quad. In addition, I am currently building a 650 Iron Man. Based on my experiences, I have the following critiques with Tarot designs. The first, and possibly the most significant flaw is the design of the motor mounts -...