Search results

  1. Bannerman

    Do you guys fly in wet weather

    A little splash on the outside may be ok, but Electronics Hates Water ! Drones have openings for necessary cooling ventilation. If water gets inside, there will probably be short circuits that destroy it. If that happens, remove the battery immediately and dry the insides very thoroughly in a...
  2. Bannerman

    Eachine E520S not saving to sd card

    Ando & Jackson have the basic info. Your drone's SD card must be: 1) Within its maximum GB capacity rating, 2) Fast enough to record from the drones camera, 3) Correctly formatted. (Usually FAT32.) Your drone manual, or the manufacturers website, will give these specifications. 4) And stop...
  3. Bannerman

    Prop guards

    I confirm you can use any capacity Li-Ion battery that is the correct voltage. (I am an electronic technician.) For some quads there are various capacity batteries available, but from experience they are not always the capacity claimed ! (You can check battery capacity when charging through a...
  4. Bannerman

    Gear Lubrication - What Grease ?

    Many thanks for this, but it's in German. (If anyone wants English info: And very expensive at about £17 for 20ml. (I can get a pack of 100 new gear shafts for less than that !) Please can anyone recommend something good but cheaper ?
  5. Bannerman

    Gear Lubrication - What Grease ?

    On my Eachine E58 quadcopter, what kind of grease should be used on the plastic drive gears ? (I have seen reviews saying these can wear out quickly, so I want to make them last !)
  6. Bannerman

    Brushed motors approx life span

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  7. Bannerman

    'Follow me' issue

    I had assumed that any drone's "Follow Me" mode worked by simply homing in on the controller signal. Are there different methods ?
  8. Bannerman

    First flight- immediate crash... What did I do wrong???? (JJRC x12/Eachine EX4/C-Fly Faith)

    I am a drone beginner, but I know a little about electronics. I am going to suggest: 1) Make sure the drone is dead level when you switch it on, as its gyro may be self calibrating itself on its initial orientation. (But this just a guess.) 2) Tether the drone by attaching a few meters of...
  9. Bannerman

    Does a drone have to use its own controller ?

    I have an Eachine E58 - can I use a better (generic ?) controller, or does each drone only work with its own controller ?