Recent content by Tdx Copter

  1. Tdx Copter

    Quadcopter with Toradex Microcontroller

    We've improved the GUI in the mean time quit a bit and started wit out first mathematical models. We've also implemented an automatic bandwith measurement in our GUI which can make a bodeplot of our real system. Check out our video below. Now we are trying to implement a kalman filter in...
  2. Tdx Copter

    Working on the TdxCopter Project!

    Working on the TdxCopter Project!
  3. Tdx Copter

    Quadcopter with Toradex Microcontroller

    Hi There! We are currently experimenting with the Toradex Module as controller for our quadcopter. The goal of this project is to build a flying quadcopter with the Colibri T2 as control unit. We will use standard components from the RC-branch as well as from the Toradex Sensoric department...