Recent content by skilsaw13

  1. S

    UAVFutures 99 Build-Bricked FC

    looks like i may have solved my issues turns out i was probably loading the wrong firmware. little embarrassing but how ya learn. when i bought it on my order it says naze32 but on the board it says spacing f3 thanks again I'm sure ill need help soon
  2. S

    UAVFutures 99 Build-Bricked FC

    so started over today. i re downloaded both sets of drivers and still no change. i tried beta flight and its the same thing. i am only able to flash with the boot pins shorted but after that when i go to connect it just says no configuration after 10 seconds. i also tried to use the stm driver...
  3. S

    UAVFutures 99 Build-Bricked FC

    So just a update been messing with it. After a little YouTubing my silicon lab cp210x is under ports and has a com. The com is the same that comes up in clean flight I’m still able to flash it with the boot pins connected but that’s it
  4. S

    UAVFutures 99 Build-Bricked FC

    I’m using cleanflight. Just downloaded it a few days ago. My fc is a naze32 f3 acro 6 from banggood. I downloaded the cp210 drivers from the welcome screen. Thinking about this now I’m not sure if I downloaded the correct vcp drivers. There was not a option for windows 10. I downloaded one from...
  5. S

    UAVFutures 99 Build-Bricked FC

    Hello, Doing my first build. started the uavfutures 99 build from last year. i somehow managed to brick the naze 32 fc. i did some research and it seems i need to download the flash loader which i did and for some reason when i go to the ports pull down there is not ports listed? not sure what...