Recent content by AngryHatter

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    Hubsan H501S Pro Advanced model

    I hit RTH and was surprised that the quad flew up before steadying and then descending. It has to reach 20 feet before it does RTH so if yyou are hovering at 10 feet it can be a "wtf" moment. Practical range depends on many factors. Your geography, items that are interfering etc. I have seen a...
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    Oldish Newbie Question

    Just started, I'm 62. I went aloft twice yesterday and it landed on its nose both times. But the second time it went nose down tilted forward and then the props went straight into a rubbermaid shed. Cost three propellers. I had a blast. A good long handled fruit picker helps me.
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    You Just Bought a New Drone...

    Hmmm...yeah, I got 2 crashes out of the OEM props? hehehe
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    You Just Bought a New Drone...

    heh Performance he says. I am lucky to be able to land without damage. My first quad had one button take off and hover and also one button landing RTH. Today I got in two flights with two crashes. The first put the quad into a roll of chicken wire. No damage. The second flight, I hit RTH...
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    You Just Bought a New Drone...

    I know what I think is necessary. I wanted to ask those with more experience and therefore teach me something and expand my horizons, so to speak. ;) I have a Hubsan 501 that I like and fly a bunch.
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    I got a flight in today

    Write your own? Get a pal to help. Band In A Box is great ;)
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    You Just Bought a New Drone...

    I meant as spares. I also meant in rank of necessity. I broke a few blades the first time I ever tried to fly a quad so I always go for extra blades and batteries when I get a new one.
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    You Just Bought a New Drone...

    Now what do you buy? Batteries? Props? A carrying case?
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    I got a flight in today

    Or the music?
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    Geomagnetism calibration

    Compass calibration? Usually it involves facing it out and moving the quad in a circle and then facing it down and moving it in another circle But individual drones may have extra steps. GPS calibration on mine involves pressing the GPS button and waiting for it to acquire satellites.