Recent content by aDrone

  1. aDrone

    HAM Radio License for FPV

    Mostly line of sight bands from what I can tell. I think 2.4 for control and 5.8 for video is the most common. Video seems to always be the first to go. I would be nice to see an option that uses a lower ban. Control can also be 900 MHz.
  2. aDrone

    HAM Radio License for FPV

    The tech license is easy. I used the no nonsense study guide. The test was at 4pm. I started studying in the am that day and went to take the class and easily passed. It opens up a whole new hobby. You guys should do it. The answers are word for word what you see here...
  3. aDrone

    Radio Controller Advice Needed

    Hey guys, I started to dig into the hobby 6 or 7 years ago and some health issues derailed that. At that time, I picked up a taranis Q X7 and used it to fly some sims and that was about it. It seems that frsky has dropped off the planet these days. Is there anyway to use this radio with Express...