Howdy, (see build info in my signature, please)
ESCs indicate ( through motors ) a constant 2 warning beep, which by the Hyperion manual should mean there is "no signal from receiver on start-up". Also, when I "arm" the Flight Control Board (FCB) to take flight, motors continue to do the constant 2 beep or are unresponsive in one case ( directly after doing throttle range setting through FCB, see later discussion * ).
(P.S.A.= I did all of this with props OFF and can still count to 10 with my hands )
Background info on build / what I have already gone through:
I am a little new to this hobby, so if I am rambling about things that should seem obvious, I apologize...just want to confirm I have all things properly connected so as to resolve the issue.
Connections: I have all ESCs connected to battery, then power through serial connectors from all 4 ESCs to my FCB (in Motor Control ports 1-4). I have heard of issues with connecting power from all ESCs to FCB, but I have already tried procedures with just one motor connected (still beeps) and have read that the KK 2.1 board only takes power from motor-control port 1 when set to quadcopter mode. Then I have the receiver channel 1, with all 3 serial wires connected to the FCB and have one of the 3-wire serial connectors going to just the signal end of channels 2-4 to the FCB.
I have already bound receiver and transmitter properly with confirmation by way of receiver test screen on FCB. Also, have set trims on transmitter by way the same screen on the FCB (had to reverse throttle by way of switch on transmitter). All components on FCB "check-out" by way of FCB screen self-evaluations.
ESCs indicate ( through motors ) a constant 2 warning beep, which by the Hyperion manual should mean there is "no signal from receiver on start-up". Also, when I "arm" the Flight Control Board (FCB) to take flight, motors continue to do the constant 2 beep or are unresponsive in one case ( directly after doing throttle range setting through FCB, see later discussion * ).
(P.S.A.= I did all of this with props OFF and can still count to 10 with my hands )
Background info on build / what I have already gone through:
I am a little new to this hobby, so if I am rambling about things that should seem obvious, I apologize...just want to confirm I have all things properly connected so as to resolve the issue.
Connections: I have all ESCs connected to battery, then power through serial connectors from all 4 ESCs to my FCB (in Motor Control ports 1-4). I have heard of issues with connecting power from all ESCs to FCB, but I have already tried procedures with just one motor connected (still beeps) and have read that the KK 2.1 board only takes power from motor-control port 1 when set to quadcopter mode. Then I have the receiver channel 1, with all 3 serial wires connected to the FCB and have one of the 3-wire serial connectors going to just the signal end of channels 2-4 to the FCB.
I have already bound receiver and transmitter properly with confirmation by way of receiver test screen on FCB. Also, have set trims on transmitter by way the same screen on the FCB (had to reverse throttle by way of switch on transmitter). All components on FCB "check-out" by way of FCB screen self-evaluations.
Procedures executed to zero-in on the problem:
I am wondering if maybe there is an odd issue with communication between the FCB and the ESCs when going to fly. Please let me know if I have over-looked something very obvious about maybe communication speed between the two. I know it's a lot to read, but I feel it takes away the game where the first few posts back-and-forth about what the problem is actually. Thanks for reading. I hope you all can help.- Not the ESCs/wiring/motor: If eliminating the FCB from the system, by connecting the ESC straight into the receiver's throttle channel, then I can run the throttle-range-setting procedure on the ESC/motor. I did this for all 4 of the ESCs/motors, all successfully performed.
- Not connection between receiver and FCB: If I have all 4 ESCs/motors connected to power and serial to FCB, I can power up and hold the 1 & 4 buttons on FCB to do a throttle-range-setting procedure on all 4 ESCs/motors at that same time. The ESCs indicate that this procedure is successful as well. In fact, if I continued to hold down the 1 & 4 buttons on the FCB to keep it passing the throttle signal through, I could (after setting the range and getting confirmation it was set) change the throttle and get appropriate response from all 4 motors at the same time. But, when releasing fingers from buttons 1 & 4, beep would return even when in armed mode (confirming throttle was indeed set to zero).
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