Iacob Sorin
Hi guys! My names is Sorin and I am looking forward to building my first quadcopter! So a couple of days ago I stumbled upon a video on youtube from Tested in which some guys were FPV quadcopter racing and I was blown away by every element in that video! The fact that they could see live and in first person view blew me away. Sooo I started to dig around in this hobby and came to the realisation that I simply can't find how-to guide that's idiot proofed(I'm stupidly stupid when it comes to things like this).
Ok so let's get started, I want to build something on a frame like the QAV250, because from what I understand it's better for agile and quick flight...(Please do correct me)? My problems are a) I live in Romania and shipping stuff here is stupid expensive, and b)I don't know what goes well with what :|. I don't know how to choose the right battery, motors, props, ESCs, FC(I want a fc that requires the least amount of tinkering and calibration). Beside all this problems...I have a really tight budget. I am only 16 and unable to obtain my own money
Most people would normally go with learning to fly a cheap quad like a husban or a nano q or something like that but I can't afford that kind of luxury, so I'll do my best not to f up my quad in the first 10 minutes XD.
Please do keep in mind that I only found out about multirotors a couple days ago so anything you guys say is pure gold for me. If you guys know any video tutorials that could help me out...well, that could really help me out XD, oh and also, this is my first time ever on a forum aswell so feel free to tell me the "unwritten rules" of posting in a forum.
Video I saw about FPV quadracing:
P.S. I have no soldering tools nor knowledge so if you guys could help me with parts that require none of that would be awesome(that's the main reason i don't want a naza board but I think that a KK won't fit on this kind of frame
Ok so let's get started, I want to build something on a frame like the QAV250, because from what I understand it's better for agile and quick flight...(Please do correct me)? My problems are a) I live in Romania and shipping stuff here is stupid expensive, and b)I don't know what goes well with what :|. I don't know how to choose the right battery, motors, props, ESCs, FC(I want a fc that requires the least amount of tinkering and calibration). Beside all this problems...I have a really tight budget. I am only 16 and unable to obtain my own money
Most people would normally go with learning to fly a cheap quad like a husban or a nano q or something like that but I can't afford that kind of luxury, so I'll do my best not to f up my quad in the first 10 minutes XD.
Please do keep in mind that I only found out about multirotors a couple days ago so anything you guys say is pure gold for me. If you guys know any video tutorials that could help me out...well, that could really help me out XD, oh and also, this is my first time ever on a forum aswell so feel free to tell me the "unwritten rules" of posting in a forum.
Video I saw about FPV quadracing:
P.S. I have no soldering tools nor knowledge so if you guys could help me with parts that require none of that would be awesome(that's the main reason i don't want a naza board but I think that a KK won't fit on this kind of frame