Hi guys I have a jjrc h12c with the supplied 1080 camera it didn't come with a sd card so had to order one (64gb as it was cheap) once charged up I have tried to record and take photos but they camera light just stays green and doesn't do anything
It could be your SD card very few low end cameras can use a 64gb card. Maybe a 32gb, which can be formatted to FAT32. It may have to do with the formatting. Plug into your computer and check, if it's exFAT it probably won't work.
I suggest you look for a class 4 (at least) of less GB. Mobius recommends Kingston class 4 cards. This should work. http://goo.gl/IVdRhK
Thanks for the advice mate I did think this may be the case my old one had a 4gb but when I seen a 64gb for £4 I couldn't resist I'll see what I can do formatting wise if not off to the shops