take off

  1. GuardianVex

    Quadcopter Unarm or unresponsive after Short Takeoff

    My quadcopter is Eachine QX95 , Reciever is X6B and the transmitter is FS I6 . I am facing a problem ,where when I throttle , the drone make a brief takeoff and then just lands and gets unarmed automatically and I had to arm again and again and again and all I am getting is a short 5-10 cm...
  2. PlateauPro

    Drone Landing Pads

    Anyone interested in Landing Pads for their drones? I make 2', 2.5' and 3' vinyl landing pads starting at $45. Custom images added for just $10 more. All four edges are hemmed with grommets in the corners for securing with your tent stakes, rope or bungee cords. Use this drone landing pad to...
  3. R

    Syma X8W - Won't take off!!

    I just finished assembling a new Syma X8W and it spins up, but won't lift off. Stock everything. It was not clear at all in the instructions about mounting the props, but they all appear identical, so I put them on. Am I stupid or what? Are there markings to orient the props correctly...
  4. R

    Quadcopter not taking off

    Hey guys, just finished building my first quad. tested all the motors on baseflight, all work checked the controller channels, all working and in the correct channels went outside to take it for a test flight: turned on the transmitter (turnigy i6), plugged in the battery on the quad, pushed...