
  1. GiantAntCowboy

    LiPo Battery Repair and Puncture Tests - Proceed with caution...

    Hey all, I was originally going to post this in the technical/build section, but figured there may be general interest/curiosity in seeing the puncture tests and disassembled LiPos. Disclaimer: Everything in this video is DANGEROUS, and the processes described require extreme CAUTION as well as...
  2. S

    Burned Power board Or Flight Controller? (Repair Help)

    Went to the park to do some casual flying today but when I plugged my lipo to my Drone I saw smoke coming in between the Powerboard and the Flight Controller. I can arm and disarm it and basically do every directional control I wanted but the only problem was the receiver wasnt turning on and I...
  3. S

    Won't arm, green flashing light, wizard x220.

    Hi everyone i'm new to this forum need some help please.I've got a wizard x220 and it won't arm its bound to tx and there is a green flashing light on the fc board which is a naze 32.Its driving me crazy please someone help me before i take a hammer to it hahaha kidding. o_O
  4. DuaneM

    This probably won't impress anyone, but ...

    .... I bought a complete two piece body shell kit for my WLtoys V686G. It took a week and a half to get here from the next state over, I should have just drove over a picked it up. Anyway, this was the first time I ever stripped my toy quad all the way down to it's individual parts. I had to go...
  5. MinnesotaUAV

    Drone Repair

    we can help 952-278-2410 or
  6. sailorsam

    UDI 818 replace motors

    thread title tells all. the unit landed hard at an angle and got sand in two of the motors. blew out and WD-40 but still wouldn't work. dug through my stuff and found a set of four replacement motors. plug-in units so no soldering! managed to disassemble and remove old units. put...
  7. Zak Mazzei

    Kaideng K70c Arm snapped off repair!

    Hi my kaideng skywarrior recently cut off mid flight and one of the arms snapped off the body, is their a way i can fix this, is there a specific type of glue i can use? Banggoods returns policy is useless.
  8. Zak Mazzei

    Kaideng K70C Motorws cut off mid flight!

    Hi, I recently bought the Kaideng k70c from bang good, i took it out on its first flight and the motors just cut off mid flight and it crashed to the ground, it did that 3 times. Please can you help me to fix this problem, its very frustrating.
  9. Sazzlefrats

    Syma X8G - replacing the PCB board and a few questions

    I recently rescued my drone from a 30ft tree... it fell the distance and we got breakage. We still power up, but the leds on the drone flash rapidly but do not slow down. Although once I did get them to slow down and I flew the drone for about 2 seconds... but now its flashing rapidly and...
  10. A

    Syma x13 motor issue...

    I just bought this quadcopter last week. It's the first one I've ever had and I love it. I expected the time would come that I would have to repair it though... There was no spectacular crash. It just stopped working. I just turned it on, started flying it. One minute into enjoyment, it...