kai deng

  1. B

    Advice on diagnosing a propellor/motor problem - Resolved (calibration)

    Hi All :) I'm seeking a little advice from everyone who might have an opinion cause I'm basically fairly new to quads and I'm not sure how to go about diagnosing this problem. I have a toy drone (Kai Deng K70F) that I've been using to introduce myself to flight and get confidence with before...
  2. Rc Reviewer

    Kai Deng K70F Quadcopter Preview (Hobbywow)

    Hey guys, this is my preview of the Kai Deng K70F FPV quadcopter. Right now, it is available on Hobbywow. For more information, check out the link: http://www.hobbywow.com/en-kai-deng-...hz-p240216.htm To start off, I'll list it's main selling points. Here they are: - Altitude hold is...
  3. Zak Mazzei

    Kaideng K70C Motorws cut off mid flight!

    Hi, I recently bought the Kaideng k70c from bang good, i took it out on its first flight and the motors just cut off mid flight and it crashed to the ground, it did that 3 times. Please can you help me to fix this problem, its very frustrating.