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  1. Sgt_Woody

    My Ladies Neato 180

    So after months of watching me build and fly I have finally convinced my lady to build her own quad to learn to fly. The only condition.... She has to review it! So here is her Neato 180 and Im going to let her tell you all about it!
  2. Sgt_Woody

    LD-Power 2205-2700kv

    Hey everybody! So LD-Power was brought to America by Mad for Multirotors a little while back and since then they have really pushed out some spectacular motors for the mini race quad community. I was given a set of 2205-2700kv race edition motors to try out and I will admit.... They are hella...
  3. Sgt_Woody

    OAS Hobby Wasp 230

    So this frame was donated to me for reviewing and I must say I am impressed. My initial expectations were for it to be too heavy and too slow blah blah but in reality, it redefined the 200-250 sized race quads for me. If you dont feel like reading a whole bunch here is the video: If you do...