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  1. Charles Dillard

    Motor sluggishness on new build with naze 32

    Yes, always mark my props CCW or CW with arrows, then do a hand test to make sure it's rolling/yawing/pitching in the correct manner. Snow on the way here soon, will be a while before I can test fly this one.
  2. Charles Dillard

    Motor sluggishness on new build with naze 32

    @Jackson, the calibration seemed to work. Motors are spinning at what looks to be same speeds. The maiden is coming soon, weather here in central Virginia is getting bad tho. I will let you know how it goes. Many thanks! :)
  3. Charles Dillard

    Motor sluggishness on new build with naze 32

    Also, as a note here, switched 1 (bad) with 2 at the processor and the problem followed, meaning the problem is at the processor port. Same with port 3 (bad). Also, new motors, new esc's. Battery 1800 mAh fully charged.
  4. Charles Dillard

    Motor sluggishness on new build with naze 32

    Building quad with naze 32 controller. x configuration. On calibration all motors firing ok: but as you can see, motors 1,3 (lower left, lower right on quad) don't start up with the others when powering on with transmitter, there's a lag. They start at 0:27 about seven seconds after 2,4. All...
  5. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Better luck today. Re-flashed board, re-calibrated accels, (this is in Baseflight), lots of balancing on the props, reversed aileron. Did not touch PIDs. Took it to nearby field and it did a lot better. Still rolls slightly, but it flew in a moderately controlled fashion. (No video yet) Thanks...
  6. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Good question. Yes the channels are correct, for instance if I pitch the transmitter, I'll feel the back end push up. As for Cleanflight, I used Baselight Configurator most current image, should be ok so long as its not beta. I'll check 2 b sure.
  7. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Calibration was on level surface. Since the copter is rolling 10 degrees, the suggestion to look at prop balance would be the first way to go on this. Remember, this is a $30 processor so that alone is suspicious. Say all the bad things you want about DJI Naza boards, they fly well. You pay more...
  8. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Hi answers to questions Jackson: Naze 32 set up was by me,but it's out of the box; I made no changes to PID or other settings. GJH105775: I balanced the props. The copter is balanced. Hotneil: Calibrations done on level surface. Mixing all zeroed. Everyone thanks for your input. I will...
  9. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Also, PID tuning is out of the box.
  10. Charles Dillard

    Advice on instability

    Hi, all, I have a quadcopter with a very stable carbon fiber frame, Turnigy escs, motors, receiver, battery. The processor is Naze 32. All of this is out of the box and brand new. My Spektrum 7 receiver has all settings - aileron, pitch, yaw - centered. I get this: I have balanced the props...