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  1. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    I ment noob not noon. Typo
  2. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    This is good information a noon guide. Your the best.
  3. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Fat cat goggles are not in the budget. I was hoping to use my tablet for a monitor for fpv. Guess I got to wait.
  4. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Is it possible to connect a tablet for fpv?
  5. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    On motor kv for 2212 motor. Which is better for thrust 920 or 1100?
  6. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Yeah that's what I thought too. But I wonder if you could modify the tail end for a true quad set up.
  7. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Looking at the new reptile mosquito Y4. This thing looks great. But like all my research in this hobby I look to the experts for advice.
  8. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    No. Single boom tail with two motors one on top and one on bottom
  9. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Thanks. Would a kk flight controller beach able to be set up for a y4 configuration?
  10. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    FlySky FS-i6 6ch AFHDS with receiver.
  11. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    I've decided on an Eachine Q200. What is the telemetry module for. Is it realy needed?
  12. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    I'm build a 250 ZMR racer and want to use a different landing skid set up. Does anyone have any idea's. Need the help. Thank you.
  13. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Would love to. But i still think the gyro can't handle the weight. Ok flight when your nor trying to make sudden movements. Gets wobbly if you go too fast.
  14. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Topselling x6 board does work in bladrunner quad. Had to calabrate gyro.
  15. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Thanks. What's you take on kk2 flight controllers? Would you recommend them?
  16. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Yes. BEC
  17. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    So which are better ESC or BESC?
  18. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

  19. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    What's a power loom? I still a noob,never built one always bought rtf's.
  20. Clifford Moore

    Help with idea

    Question for my first build. Do you need a power distribution boad when you have a all in one esc quattro 4 way and flight controller?here is a list of everything I'm ordering. 1- 250mm frame 1-Adam flight controller 1- transmitter & receiver 1-1300Mah nanotec lipo 4-1806 motors 4- 5030 props...