Search results

  1. J

    FAA Registration?

    You don't have to register drones under 250 grams and that has been a long standing rule. You still Need to fly under The, FAA RULES FOR RECREATIONAL USERS.
  2. J

    Flyaway... What the heck happened?!

    Was this a GPS drone? I'm not certain of or familiar with your build but if GPS enabled it should have not flown away. I'm guessing that if you had GPS off or it wasn't a GPS build it was taken away by wind. If wind is 5 mph at the ground it is much stronger at 400 feet in the air. I know that...
  3. J

    JJRC quadcopter problems

    Are you able to test the batteries with a voltage meter to be sure your getting correct voltage?
  4. J

    Have You Ever Had Bee's Attack Your Drone?

    I'm sure my props would remove feathers very quickly.
  5. J

    Holy Stone HS700D and Potensic D85 Can't get follow me to work

    I got away from Holy Stone because they have had many quality control issues. If you can return it, I wouldn't hold on to it. As just a hobby grade flier try out a MJX BUGS, they make many different models and there is one that will suit your needs. I will never buy Holy Stone again because they...
  6. J

    JJRC quadcopter problems

    Not a Heli guy but a quad copter guy. Assuming theses are Lipo batteries? Lipo's over time wear out. Different aircraft require different voltages. The JJRC copters are reading the battery as low voltage because they require more volts then your batteries can produce. The Syma apparently...
  7. J

    Have You Ever Had Bee's Attack Your Drone?

    I've never had an issue with bees but have had Eagles and Hawks and Crows come in very close on my drone like a military aircraft intercepting it. I'm not sure if it a territorial thing or maybe they come in because of curiosity? They have come in on the drone as if to attack and then get within...
  8. J

    MJX BUGS 4W Old Style Props And The New Style Props, Interchangeable ????

    I have some confusion in regards to the Bugs 4W props. Apparently there was a design change with the props, one being the old style type being held in place with screws and the new type with no screws. I have the old style props held down to the rotor with 2 screws. Are the props...
  9. J

    BAYANG Toys X21 Replacement Batteries In The U.S. Photo's Attached

    Looking to replace batteries for my Bayang x21. Does anyone know of a source in the U.S. for the battery that will fit correctly? I'm not looking to do any mods to make the battery fit. I'm just looking for batteries from the U.S. to make the Old Cadillac fly again and not wanting to wait...
  10. J

    One Way to Avoid Disorientation

    When I'm too far out and lose orientation, I go right to RTH until I can reacquire my visual then repeat the process. It's just too easy to lose track when you fly high and out. Without RTH I'd be losing a lot of drones !!!! Just the second my drone looks like a house fly or small insect I'm...
  11. J

    Tested a $9 dollar range extender for the Phantoms. Not bad for 9 bucks

    Have a link to where you picked this up. I'm not so much concerned about extended range but if it improved my signal in sketchy conditions it would be worth it.
  12. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    Try going out of GPS mode and briefly flying non GPS close to the ground. Then go back to GPS.
  13. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    It should do that and that is normal, it's telling you your in GPS.
  14. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    It appears you are binding correctly and getting a solid red light on the transmitter. You have issues that I've never seen before going on with your display on the transmitter and I'm not sure what is causing it. Give it some time to acquire satellites. Gps should flash on the screen.
  15. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    Try binding to your quad. You should get a beep from your transmitter telling you your bound correctly. You may not be properly bound to the quad. Turn quad on then transmitter in that order.
  16. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    I never had this issue or even heard of it happening before. Very strange that it fly's correctly but nothing coming in on the screen or it's intermittently working ? When you bind to the copter do you hear a distinct beep from the transmitter ? You should here a distinct beep from the...
  17. J

    Bayangtoys x21 starting up but unable to fly

    Getting a flash code on the lights ? Failed compass calibration will do this.
  18. J

    No telemetry on Bayangtoys X21

    Try removing batteries from everything. Your flying in GPS mode I assume and not non GPS ? It doesn't make sense in a way because if everything is working in GPS mode other then your transmitter display, I'm guessing a poor solder joint to the screen or a broken wire to the screen.
  19. J

    Illegal to Fly Over My Neighbor's Back Yard?

    What State where you a LEO Rick ? I'm surprised that it is one would allow harassment or violations of trespassing and invasion of privacy and property owners rights.