Search results

  1. Jackson

    Dromida Ominus Q200 Issues?

    Both of these seem somewhat similar.
  2. Jackson

    Need help with Camera.

    And what is this mystery camera?
  3. Jackson


    Lots of cheap knock offs.
  4. Jackson

    Help setting up receiver to SP Racing F3

    I think your RX will only do PWM.
  5. Jackson

    Meteor 5" build

    Which way are you moving the stick? If 'the flight control board thinks it's upside down' wouldn't all the controls be affected?
  6. Jackson

    Meteor 5" build

    Have you read the manual?
  7. Jackson


    Maybe the C rating. Hubsan 27A. Bugs 45A. These may work. C rating = 55A
  8. Jackson

    Very cool The dude likes to make things.
  9. Jackson

    Buzzer Clicks, does not Beep

    Have you metered the buzz pads to verify the voltage?
  10. Jackson

    Quadcopter is bound to tx, but won’t fly.

    Nothing as in nada? No lights even? How is the RX being powered?
  11. Jackson

    What quadcopter for newbies

    Just get one of these and a few batterries, to hone your skills and develop the proper muscle memory. You can then decide on something fancy. Didn't like either of your choices BTW...
  12. Jackson

    Are you kidding me????

    It's a JJRC, just a typo.
  13. Jackson

    S500 Prop selection, got 2650Kv motors already HQ 5043 3 blade ?

    I assuming you will need DJI style props. They have flat spots that key to the shafts.
  14. Jackson


  15. Jackson

    S500 Prop selection, got 2650Kv motors already HQ 5043 3 blade ?

    Post a link. If that's a 500mm quad those are the wrong KV.
  16. Jackson

    Help finding serial number

    Usually there would be two. One from the seller, the other by the maker.
  17. Jackson

    Help finding serial number

    Have looked on the box?