Recent content by yay

  1. yay

    brushed build

    hey lowlives, i just halved the group delay on them there filters used in all your flight controllers. it's really true: all your base does belong to us. it's just that, i guess your vibrator isn't high enough to know about where them bases is or even what styles do you offer. i just halved...
  2. yay

    Quadcoptor for 3D mapping of environments.

    i'm an "unconventional thinker" - it says so on my nametag ;) and again, i'm real new at this. today i scored about 4 meters of agave flowering stalks, which are probably the same volume-weight as balsa wood, but more durable. and sun hardened :) it's unlikely you can source such materials...
  3. yay

    Quadcoptor for 3D mapping of environments.

    it seems that previous post is mistakenly tagged as a quote ;) i guess i do have a modicum of advice, from what i've *seen* of this pursuit, you ought to do quite well with a DIY frame. especially if the task is to hover around slowly. i've seen someone fly a couple of dowels taped together...
  4. yay

    Quadcoptor for 3D mapping of environments.

    none. i'm new and you're way out of my weight class. but i figure, if i post, then other people might be inclined to check the thread out. :)
  5. yay

    Setting Up FlySky i6 for KK Controller Tri-Copter Control

    you may be further ahead of this than i. having recently purchased a kk quad and fs-i6, bind the two together. ought to be easy, instructions for both easy to find. *connect the vehicle to betaflight* in betaflight, observe the receiver page turn your fs-i6 on, and activate the switches and...
  6. yay

    brushed build

    you'd think you'd want that. i'm not sure you get how that works.
  7. yay

    brushed build

    155mm frame at ~9.5 grams, a few things eg. the cutouts on the spars could have a few grams shaved off but they were easy to cut that way. it looks like the frame is resting on the scale in this shot but the scale is about right and it stopped swinging round :) frame constructed with vintage...
  8. yay

    brushed build

    go and look on banggood! the size you need is backordered. but the interesting thing, is, if you need a 1.347mm with .41 pins 18 metres wide, you can find it if you look under "spare parts for ____" for 89 cents but it won't be under micro JST connectors will it because it doesn't say that it...
  9. yay

    brushed build

    for one thing, no one is going to tell you about JST connectors. never try and be slick and buy motors that don't have plugs, it's not worth the money you save. it's too fiddly, your eyes aren't fifteen anymore. you will need micro JST connectors. to connect your micro JST of course! it's the...
  10. yay

    brushed build

    i would say the thing with this pastime is if you are a beginner buy two of everything you think you're going to need and don't do anythin guntil everythnig shows up because if you *think* you can do something before then, you'll need to order more parts so that hwne the parts you were waiting...
  11. yay


    i told you, send it to me! never solder, you'll catch fire and explode. fixing broken things is for communists, you don't want to be one of those. support capitalism and the postal service or go and live in russia.
  12. yay

    brushed build

    thought i was going to have this together (well, tentatively, you know how sometimes in life you're concerned things might not work out, with this hobby i get concerned that things will work, since you figure there's a 99.99% chance they won't. i mean.. my 110GT has been sitting here grounded...
  13. yay

    micro rc

    i've seen a couple comparably sized toys, and i could see hacking the e011 fcb into a ground vehicle app :D for another day, been building for three days now.
  14. yay


    i know this is kinda OT but with folks worrying about jello (sure, an issue consigned to previous tech) and such, it's a wonder no one has made flexible/spring arms. i mean, sure, it introduces some oscillation, but it's not going to stop the motor from providing lift. there's enough popsicle...
  15. yay

    brushed build

    these numbers correspond to 1s, 2s, and 3s lipo ;) i guess like american english, what's proper correlates to the vagaries of the end user, at least until john cleese blows up. which is after all, what we like about him.