Recent content by wrblue03wrx

  1. W

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    I wasnt allowing it to arm, didnt know that step, so held the yaw left and bam it worked!!! I realize this is a safety feature built in but never saw that in any of the builds!!! Glad i know this now
  2. W

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    How would i go about changing that? I am a noob to libre and open so.... thanks for the help though guys!!!!
  3. W

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    I did and set to yaw left, but still does not work. Should i set to always arm?
  4. W

    250 Quad Troubles with openpilot or TX? I am at a loss???? HELP!!!!

    Aloha Guys, I have just recently my first Quad kit, I have played with plenty of store bought drones and a Hubson X4 but this is my first kit. Below is a link to the clone kit I purchased. Here is...