Recent content by Mike

  1. Mike

    DJI disabling geofencing in the US

    For sure. Likely a legal decision. Put the responsibility on the pilot. I just assumed the FAA was requiring them to do that. I didn't realize it was optional.
  2. Mike

    DJI disabling geofencing in the US

    Interesting! Surprised they're doing this. I thought the FAA was forcing it. DJI said the update would “place control back in the hands of the drone operators,” claiming it is “in line with regulatory principles of the operator bearing final responsibility.” DJI added that the new system...
  3. Mike

    Sorry for the delay. I'll approve it since you asked and it's not scammy =)

    Sorry for the delay. I'll approve it since you asked and it's not scammy =)
  4. Mike

    New Logo!

    Need to refresh / clear cache. I usually just do ctrl + F5 or command + F5 on Mac and it shows up.
  5. Mike

    New Logo!

    Your eyes aren't deceiving you. We had a new logo designed and just added it to the forum! The old logo was almost 10 years old and it was time to spruce up the design of this place a bit =) *I still need to fix how it displays on mobile though. It's pretty small in portrait mode. Thanks, Mike
  6. Mike

    Inherited a DIY quadcopter and I have no idea how to make it work!!

    This! Man, this one reminds me of the old days!
  7. Mike

    The high waterfall, is one of the Highest and also one of the most striking waterfalls in Iceland.

    Wow, that is so beautiful. Impressive video for sure!
  8. Mike

    A Made a Short Video

    Beautiful scenery! Wish I wasn't in the city =)
  9. Mike

    A few more ads...

    Definitely. I hate forums that are covered in advertising. I am trying to balance some advertising to help with the hosting fees without overdoing it. Sometimes it's hard these days because a lot of the ad placement is dynamic. I used to have to manually place the ad code in the templates...
  10. Mike

    A few more ads...

    FYI - I turned down the ads. I had set automatic ads from Google and overtime they added more and more stuff. I will continue to monitor and I will crank down the number of ads even more if it's too much. Things should be a bit more usable now. No pop ups or pop overs as far as I can tell...
  11. Mike

    Server Maintenance (coming soon)

    I never ended up getting this taken care of back in May, but I finally have some free time to do it now. I just initiated it with the hosting provider and I will update here when we will need to take the forum down to complete the maintenance. Thanks for your patience!
  12. Mike

    Server Maintenance (coming soon)

    Hello all - I am working with my hosting provider to schedule a server upgrade in the next few days. I will post again when this happens, but because I'm doing a complete Linux OS upgrade, I will be building out a new server on the new OS version and moving the data there to avoid any issues...
  13. Mike

    A few more ads...

    Just a heads up - you may see a few more ads throughout the site than just what you've been used to seeing in the header. This is a recent change we made to allow Google Adsense to place ads "optimally" on the site. We're still trying to keep a clean look (unlike a lot of other forums), so...
  14. Mike

    Go Go Bird **GIVEAWAY**

    The winner is.... @wafflejock Not bad =) 50% odds!
  15. Mike

    Go Go Bird **GIVEAWAY**

    Haha, chances are very good right now. Very few entries. Less than a day left!