Recent content by JeremyMcG1

  1. JeremyMcG1

    First Post, First Build, First Questions - go easy on me.

    Well, on the 650 frame, I've actually extended the standard arms with 500mm. That significantly increased the "wheel base" of this frame to accommodate the 20" props. Since I'll be running 340kv motors, I figured the 20" would actually be more efficient than 18"s but I'm not entirely sure as...
  2. JeremyMcG1

    First Post, First Build, First Questions - go easy on me.

    Well, the frame is together, minus one singular screw. I bounced a screw off my desk - one that holds the landing gear on... can't find it anywhere. :(
  3. JeremyMcG1

    First Post, First Build, First Questions - go easy on me.

    That's a great question, and one I've not developed an answer to as of yet. I have no idea (other than the normal GoPro type photography) as to what I will do with this. I do have one idea where I use a 10watt LED coupled with the GPS so that I can flash the LED at specific GPS points and...
  4. JeremyMcG1

    First Post, First Build, First Questions - go easy on me.

    Greetings - Jeremy from Las Vegas checking in. I've been coerced into building a quadcopter. I am coming from this from a complete non-existent knowledge base regarding quadcopters, but I am a licensed pilot and know a little about flight dynamics and such - but I learn quickly and I tend to...