Recent content by davidhk129

  1. davidhk129

    Any regular ebike users here? I have a question for you. (Solved)

    Found the answer from you-tube. Yes, Flatout works on a punctured flat tire.
  2. davidhk129

    Any regular ebike users here? I have a question for you. (Solved)

    I have a 20 x3 in and a 20 x 4 in ebikes. Mt question is about the brand called Flatout flat tire sealant...... I understand it is used to prevent flat tires by injecting the sealant into the tires. I also understand how to use it via you-tube. My question is .... will it work if it is used to a...
  3. davidhk129

    My 5+ years of 3D print collections

    Continue from post #1
  4. davidhk129

    My 5+ years of 3D print collections

    My small apartment is getting full and cluttered with 3D prints. Perhaps, it is time to make a summary of my 5 yrs of 3D print models. (There are also models relegated to card boxes.)
  5. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    Please check my post #22 again. I have amended some on the post.
  6. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    OK. I recommend using as your source for drones. I am in Canada. I live in a town where it does not even have a movie theatre or shopping mall. Walmart and No Frill are the "main attractions". I almost exclusively using as my source of purchases including quadcopters. My...
  7. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    What country are you from? Sounds like USA.
  8. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    RE : press button 14, the controller beeps once with every press, whether it's a short press or a long press. The drone lighting stays stable. Not sure, but seems like it is for 3D flip. RE : Short press on button 15 causes the controller to beep twice and the drone light starts blinking. A...
  9. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    I would like to know about your experience in drone piloting so that I know how to correspond with you when it comes to the topics of flying a drone.
  10. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    From the grapevine...... again Don't hold me for that....... Button 16 is for 3D flip. Button 15 is for Auto Return or Headless Mode. (SHORT press = Auto Return. LONG press = Headless Mode. OR the other way.) Button 14 is for Light. When both drone and controller are connected the drone light...
  11. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    RE : I have no idea what the 3 icons to the right of the battery icon are. I have no idea either. The 3 icon images are so blurred it's beyond recognizable. I am sure they have own specific function, but I can't tell what I can't decipher.
  12. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    From the grapevine...... Turn on your drone and controller. Make sure they are connected to each other. Press the button 7/8. Do you hear a beep? If yes .... 1 beep = speed 1 ( low speed) 2 beeps = speed 2 3 beeps = speed 3 ( highest speed)
  13. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    RE : With the drone motors running slowly, I pushed the left joystick upwards very slowly. I expected a gradual increase in propeller speed, but that was not the case. It went from the motors idling to full speed instantly! When that happened, I immediately released the left joy stick but the...
  14. davidhk129

    New Member - Old Guy Needs Help

    1.) It may not lead to anything, but would you flip open the controller screen, make sure it is connected to the drone. Then take a picture of all the icons etc that are on the screen. 2.) Can you "open" Menu and SNAP without hitting button 1 and 17? By any chance, though not likely, the...