Recent content by crtleroy

  1. crtleroy

    Using Arduino as an autopilot

    Hi there, so yesterday night everything has been sorted out :). I finally found a magic PPM generation code here : And everything worked. I can control all channels with my arduino with a single PPM pin. Then the arduino can totally command...
  2. crtleroy

    Using Arduino as an autopilot

    Hi yay, well I guess it's a splendid idea. Actually I just ordered a dso138, a very-low-cost pocket oscilloscope that can help for not-too-high frequencies. But I think I won't wait for it and will try wavosaur :). I'm also definitely considering to generate a PPM signal to handle the all 8...
  3. crtleroy

    Using Arduino as an autopilot

    Oops okay :rolleyes: Well, for now I don't have an oscilloscope to figure it out, but there are other ways to communicate with the controller : PPM, SBUS... I'm going to have a look. Any idea with that ?
  4. crtleroy

    Using Arduino as an autopilot

    Well, look at "pwm output waveforms from spektrum receiver" first result on google (sorry I'm not allowed to put links yet) this guy look at the signal out from a spektrum receiver, it's definitely a 20ms period signal :/ I'd love to have an oscilloscope so much, but it's so expensive :(
  5. crtleroy

    Using Arduino as an autopilot

    Hi every one, I’m working on an octocopter that I would like to be auto-piloted. To do that, I’m considering to use my Arduino Mega 2560 to generate PWM signals to « mimic » a receiver. I’m using a SP Racing F3 and cleanflight. So more precisely, instead of using a RC command, I want the...
  6. crtleroy

    The Titanic was made by specialists - Noah's ark was made by an amateur

    The Titanic was made by specialists - Noah's ark was made by an amateur
  7. crtleroy

    The Titanic was made by specialists

    The Titanic was made by specialists