Recent content by Civenmetal

  1. Civenmetal

    Has anyone tried aluminum or copper foil as a shield?

    Civen metal is here
  2. Civenmetal

    Copper Foil

    Copper Foil
  3. Civenmetal

    What to look for when buying antennas RHCP vs LHCP pagoda and panel

    well done, Thanks for your guy idea.
  4. Civenmetal

    Broke a motor shaft.

    Thanks your idea!
  5. Civenmetal

    Has anyone tried aluminum or copper foil as a shield?

    They should work about the same, as any metal of this type has about the same effect when used as a reflector (a passive element in an antenna system). If what you mean is a shield - a box or plate to protect a component against direct radiation - then, again, ali or copper of the same thickness...