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  1. M

    Colpitts Oscillator

    Good day, everyone! I'm working on a design that starts with a standard Colpitts oscillator. As an example, consider the following: It works, but I'm not sure how to determine the values of the individual components. I've run several simulations and have a paper with numbers and results, but...
  2. M

    2n3055 Transistor

    The transistor 2N3055 is packaged in a TO3 case. It has its collector "grounded" to the case, and the base and emitter to the two pins. NPN transistors are usually used with the emitter going directly to the ground, and the collector somewhere far from the ground. Can someone give me a typical...
  3. M

    LSM303AGRTR Footprint

    Hi all, Hope you are all well. I have been designing a PCB with the LSM303AGRTR from the LCSC library. When I try to create Gerber files my DRC hangs on the fact that the pad space is insufficient. When I reduce the DRC setting to 0.5mil the DRC check gives no errors. But when taking a closer...
  4. M

    IRS2092S based projects

    Hey, guys! I've decided to order some parts online and have some fun and build a class D amp for home listening with loudspeakers. I haven't seen too many projects with people using IRS2092 based boards that have a lot of details. Many of them are simply short youtube videos that don't go into...
  5. M

    Battery of Bluetooth Speaker

    Hello, everyone. My Bluetooth speaker, which had an integrated 3.7v battery, died and ceased working. The speaker does not work on its own when plugged in, presumably because the battery is dead. I went out and got a 4.2v battery to replace it. The initial battery charge worked and kept the...
  6. M

    Easy to build 250 Quadcopter Drone

    In this tutorial, I am going to explain step by step how to built a 250 Quadcopter Drone. I had already built the drone when I decided to make this tutorial, so all the soldering and some construction is already made, but I will try to explain how to do it. Now, I could do a presentation of...
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    GPS positioning for quadcopter

    I am an engineering undergraduate student. I am currently working on a project to implement a sensing package on a quadcopter for the deployment in the canopy of tropical rain forests. This package needs to measure temperature, humidity, pressure and light intensity. All these have been taken...
  8. M

    PCB layout for a Drone

    I'm making a drone, and would love if somebody can review my work on the PCB layout. Image (red is top, blue is bottom, circles indicate holes and side transfers purple is glue): What is supposed to happen: Input from the radios is PWMs 1-6, which is an RF receiver putting in the raw values...
  9. M

    Meet the Incredibly Fast Quadcopter Shaped Like a Rocket

    Aerospace engineers Ron Barrett and Richard Bramlette set out to build a quadcopter unlike any other—one that can fly at high speeds like a rocket, up to 133 mph on one test flight. The idea behind the rocket quadcopter is pretty ingenious: combine a traditional hovering copter with a...
  10. M

    A Simple Quadcopter

    Really simple and strong quadcopter, using common A2212 brushless motors and simple 30A ESC. For a while now i have been making complex and detailed models, so i thought it was about time to make a simple quad. and the real reason is that i am still learning how to fly! so this simple easy to...