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  1. BL Swagger

    Dead FC Review

    Funny, because I ordered a Omnibus F4 to replace it. Figured it would make for a quick replacement. Ill keep the SPF3 as a novelty for now and maybe use it for a spare build later on and rely on the PDB pads like you said.
  2. BL Swagger

    Dead FC Review

    I believe I have a dead FC, but wanted to run by my approach & findings with all of you to see if you have anything else to add. Starts off when I was attempting to install a Hellgate Buzzer onto an SPF3 FC. Things didn't go very well, and long story short, it ends with the quad not working...
  3. BL Swagger

    How to choose a Pixhawk?

    I found this video informative. I learned that the Pixhawk is an open source project, which is why there are multiple FCs with the name. The Pixhawk will probably still work better for aerial photography and autonomous mission flights, but I want to try out this Vector FC too. Seems like it...
  4. BL Swagger

    How to choose a Pixhawk?

    Thanks, I will look into it.
  5. BL Swagger

    How to choose a Pixhawk?

    I have been led to think that the Pixhawk is the direction I want to go for my 450mm+ builds. I have seen some mixed reviews on Pixhawks, but not sure which ones are trustworthy to buy. Can anyone give some insight on this flight controller? I see many different types & brands selling a...
  6. BL Swagger

    Painless360 vs. UAV Futures

    I like JBardwell, as well. He puts together some honest & critical reviews. I especially like how he travels around and does interviews with people like the creator of Fatsharks.
  7. BL Swagger

    Video required? (Noob)

    I didn't even notice the mini USB on the bottom of my Taranis QX7... hah I went and checked after reading your post. I guess using the F4 FC and betaflight as a middle man, would be needed for a Flysky transmitter though.
  8. BL Swagger

    When you break your Phantom's Camera and Gimbal

    If you're going to crash... make it count. Don't simply hit a branch popping the motor cap off, losing the c-clip underneath. You will think its an easy fix to just replace the c-clip, but you will spend endless hours and multiple c-clips just trying to get one of those damn things on. I still...
  9. BL Swagger

    Brand New Dji Phantom4 Pro Plus with 3 Extra Batteries

    I will start the bidding at $1.00
  10. BL Swagger

    Video required? (Noob)

    Practice on a simulator. DLR or Liftoff are my favorites. I threw FPV gear on my first build. It was eachine gear so wasn't expensive. I find it much easier to fly FPV, rather than line of sight. I will admit I did fly some "toy" grade quads a little bit before I got into the hobby, though...
  11. BL Swagger

    Video required? (Noob)

    Nope, Cam and VTX are not required to fly line of sight. The newer FCs usually will just provide filtered power to these devices, as well as pads for OSD capability.
  12. BL Swagger

    Painless360 vs. UAV Futures

    Considering his title is "Painless"... I got my money on him
  13. BL Swagger

    Painless360 vs. UAV Futures

    Yea, two years ago I would have avoided BNFs completely. Even now, I would still recommend building at least one, so you understand the machine better. Between Painless360 and JBardwell, I feel confident about the components I buy. So I will stick to building my own. Customization on these...
  14. BL Swagger

    Painless360 vs. UAV Futures

    Painless360 deserves more credit for what he does. He is great for this hobby. He covers just about every aspect of a build with accurate information. Even those with experience building quads and fixed wings can still learn something from him. I also agree that UAVFutures is quite annoying...
  15. BL Swagger

    TBS Unify Pro Mounting Board

    Whitenoise also makes these pcb motor wires.. found them while looking on GetFPV. Anyone have any experience with these or thoughts??
  16. BL Swagger

    TBS Unify Pro Mounting Board

    Looks great. I really want to throw that DALRc 4in1 ESC & FC on a Chameleon TI, but then it wont fit stacking that VTX ontop. I guess I will have to decide between the DALRc 4in1 ESC, or stacking with that mounting board and settling with 4 individual ESCs on the arms. I would probably go with...
  17. BL Swagger

    Night Flying

    BREAKING NEWS! Several commuters coming home from work late last night sighted a UFO observing them on the streets. The object was zipping through the air defying the laws of gravity. Locals are beginning to worry of what's to come... Stay tuned, we will have more on this story as soon as we...
  18. BL Swagger

    Parts list for my first build. HELP PLEASEEE.

    Oh good. Sounds simple enough, thanks.
  19. BL Swagger

    Parts list for my first build. HELP PLEASEEE.

    Oh lord... I am dumb.. I meant gimbal... not GPS hahah I need edit that other post before people see it!
  20. BL Swagger

    Parts list for my first build. HELP PLEASEEE.

    I have a question myself... is telemetry needed for control of the gimbal? I haven't looked into that aspect very much yet.. I have seen people adding control to different switches. #ThreadTakeOver