flight controler

  1. P

    FLYSKY reciever

    So i broke my reciever and i bought another one and its a FLYSKY fs-ia6, and i don't know if i can use it with my drone I use a Naze 32 rev6 flight controller. Please help.
  2. S

    Need Help with FC

    Hello, I have this quad https://www.banggood.com/Eachine-Tyro99-210mm-DIY-Version-FPV-Racing-RC-Drone-F4-OSD-30A-BLHeli_S-40CH-600mW-VTX-700TVL-Cam-p-1338893.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=UK except that i changed the esc to this...
  3. M

    Illuminati 32 Flight Controler in 2018

    Hello, Would using a Illuminati 32 Flight Controler with OSD (Cleanflight Supported) still make sense for a first drone build? Or is the controller so old that I would be in for a hassle with the software?